One of our favorite day trips from Sonora is a drive to Hetch Hetchy Reservoir via the little town of Groveland . Groveland is about a 40 minute drive from downtown Sonora . Sometimes we stop in Groveland for lunch. Most of the time we pack a lunch and eat once we reach Hetch Hetchy.

Downtown Groveland
Our favorite thrift store.

By Ferdinand Richardt

by Albery Bierstadt

Hetch Hetchy Today

There are several trails around Hetch Hetchy. One of the trails starts at the dam and wraps around the reservoir. There are three waterfalls along this trail: Tueelala (a seasonal waterfall that drys up by late spring), Wapama (The fall visible from the main parking area), and Rancheria Falls (a series of cascades near the rear of the reservoir). They are fairly easy hikes but wear good shoes.

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